Tuesday, June 10, 2008

r we satisfied?

I dont know why suddenly I got this thought? I know I am too young to think about it.. But when some situation at home for which I could not find a solution sitting in Bangalore, strated feeling guilty.. Why I did engineering? I could have done some other degree, have govt job, stayed in native and helped family in handling issues. Now its too late but still this thought is passing every min.

After PU college tensions for which college to join for BE? Will I get this branch and this college for my ranking? Oh yes, I got it.. So much to study, such brilliant classmates.. Will I be able to clear all exams.. Oh yes cleared.. Oh man so much competation outside for IT jobs.. IIT, REC, top college students will I be able to get a job.. Hmmm at last after heavy struggle.. Now my class mates have strated going onsite. Will i get a chance to go? Will I make money like them? Should i invest in site or shares? Why my company is not giving me shares when my friends compay is giving? Why my company has no long term onsites.. at last I also visited US for a short span. hmm where is all money going at the end of the month.. Salary is getting deposisted and slowly getting withdrwan for multiple reasons.. Where is it going? am I doing proper planning? With all this tensions, what am i doing for my home? am I there when they need my suport.. No leaves, releases dead lines, new trainings.. I can give money but not time.. But who is intrested in money, they need my time.. No I am not able to give. hmmmmm so the answer to the question " R we satisfied?" is No from me..

What you guys think? Comments.


Gururaj said...

You bring your mom here to bangalore :-) You can spend time with her.

Ravikiran Swing Trade Blog said...

Yes indeed this a feeling which I had.. But fortunately my parents kept encouraging me to reach new heights, eventhough I was away from them.. But one should give a serious thought..

Indu said...

Better, that u have to live with ur parents if u don't have time to go to native, call them & tell them to stay with u, wherever u r.Then u & ur parents both will be satisfied.

Unknown said...

No one on this earth is satisfied and everyone is running behind what they wanted to become and what they want to become, so when person puts himself in this situation he will ask himself this question "Are We Satisfied", and putting reason on someones else shoulder to asnwer it when he knows himslef that he is not yet satisfied.
Our parenst never told you to study engineering etc etc when we born, it is you have choosent to get satisfied
This is the fact cycle of life,
cheers man
Rajshekhar Samalad

Parag said...

Its Human to nature to be grumpy or unsatisfied about things,I think its not only u that is not satisfied but every living being on earth is not satisfied,Consider for Example:A Lion living in Jungle what it needs is 2 good meals a day and a place where it can rest but it still keeps on hunting because its not satisfied,What was the reason behind a lion not being satisfied its the hunger.So I think being not satisfied brings in the determination to search for satisfaction,So coming back to the point r we satisfied?? I can say satisfaction lies within you its the way you look at it.I can say myself as not satisfied because i still feel satisfcation is yet to be achieved so this thing motivates me to do more and learn things in life.

Vinnya said...

"Whever said money can't buy happiness didnt know where to shop"

I liked that statment "i can give money but no time" so are you serious about this???

To be very frank i dont want your time give me Money, at least i will be satisfied so are you ready for this sacrifice to make me contented??
I know the answer in advance.........
Nice Blog le

Vinodkumar said...

Aha....:-)....If you are talking about Satisfaction...uhh thats really a big word...and very difficult to describe... The people who ever have commented have really not gone through these Problems.........but they might be facing/faced very different problems than yours...

Let me try ..i might look like an pessimistic...but anyway...

Solution 1:-
Do you wanna be satisfied happy man...hey take this option " Be ignorant don't care for anything ...its you and only you"

.....Ohh am i talking rubbish? is my solution not so acceptable? yeah ofcourse this the only way of being happy....:-) but we all know this is not the our type of solution....

Solution 2:-(Customised to your problem) -- Which i chose when i went through your situation :-)

Bring your mother to Bangalore...She will wait from morning till evening in the house all alone..and none to talk to her no one dto share her feelings opinions....so boss you relieved her from all other problems but created soemthing new...

So don't worry do your sincere effort without expecting the output...The expectation is all cause for pain and misery...hey dude...keep it yourself don't tell all these preachings to your elders ...hahah do you wanna try ?....let me give you the answer

"Abe yeh kya yaar chaar paisa kamaya nahi ...humein bolne aagaya"

Signing off...bye take care

Vijay Kumar said...

Good topic alasi......

Ravikumar S Upasi said...

Nice Thought le Alase.
About Being Satisfied No one ever will be satisfied. Once u think u r fully Satisfied it means u r no more on this Earth .
Some time Just feel Happy with others Happiness, You will be more Satisfied. There is no such one solution for this. Its an Ongoing Problem. for which you can only apply temporary fix but not a permanent Fix. - All the Best for you.